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Hello, New York

Over this Spring break, Nick and I ventured to New York City for two nights and crammed in as much good food, history, shopping, and steps as possible. Ironically, we went to bed earlier in the city that never sleeps than we did in Boston, but we were EXHAUSTED at the end of each day. I quite literally collapsed into bed each night, calves burning, feet pulsing, and eyes heavy. One day, we even walked 12 miles. Here is a glimpse into our trip and all the destinations we walked to:

Our trip can essentially be broken up into three categories: sightseeing, shopping, and food.

We stopped by some historical locations such as Battery Park, Federal Hall National Memorial, 9/11 Memorial, Trinity Church, and Wall Street's Charging Bull (now featuring the Fearless Girl).

I typically don't take photos while I shop. . . that would be kind of odd, but I did take photos of the Glossier showroom in SoHo. I couldn't help it. After all, they had a sign out front of the building that said it was the most Instagram-able room in NYC.

Then, of course, we ate a lot of great food. We even went out of our way to get cookies from Levain Bakery, a bakery that makes giant, gooey cookies for $4 each. I took a photo for snapchat, but forgot to save it, so the chocolate chip walnut cookie only lives in my memories. Anyway . . .we definitely needed the miles of walking to burn off this.


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