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You Vegan, Huh?

Let me begin by saying that I am writing this blog post after ranting to my Mom for a half hour about how frustrated I am with my life, particularly, how frustrated I am with one area of it.

Before reading, please know that I am not in any way discouraging people’s lifestyle habits or condemning trying new ones. I am lightheartedly poking fun at trends I have noticed recently and the incongruities of some of them.

Disclaimers aside, what the HELL is with the summer months? I think it is great that warmer weather means wearing less clothing and therefore thinking more consciously about our physique and our lifestyle. I too spend my off-months thinking up ways to improve my life—particularly my fitness level or my eating habits. I am not sure why, but suddenly a lack of homework and classes makes me want to eat berries and “pin” juice cleanses onto my Pinterest boards.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using this newly found down-time to learn about keeping your body healthy. There is also nothing wrong with me saying that sometimes I miss the unhealthy days of winter where everyone piled on sweaters and blankets just to eat some ice cream in bed. Now? Not spending time outside during the warm weather is a sin.

During these summer months, my mood improves and I become more willing to go outside and explore. So trust me, I do enjoy the summer, but maybe I’m not ready to trade in my sweater and leggings for a crop top and a raw vegan diet. In fact, I don’t want to hear that phrase again until fall. I may pin about vegan dieting, but that does not mean I want to hear about everyone’s latest trip to the grocery store to pick up gluten free, dairy free, organic milk. Dairy-less milk—go figure.

It is not that I think any of these eating habits are unnecessary or foolish. I think everyone should do what is right for their own body. What sparked me writing this post was telling my mom about all the different dietary information I have been bombarded with and how it has caused me to feel like my own health endeavors are inadequate. I have found myself feeling overwhelmed in the grocery store because I cannot walk through an isle without thought bubbles popping up asking things like, “Is that organic? Should I be spending the money on this? Do you actually know what any of those ingredients are?”

I am still figuring out how to incorporate a healthy diet into my lifestyle without deprivation and I have hit some bumps along the way because of information I am being fed—no pun intended.

Here is what I KNOW:

I know that I do not want to buy organic produce that already has fuzz on it just because of it’s label.

I know that not all “organic” labeled foods are organic.

I know that eating health-consciously can be expensive but is doable.

I know that I am a healthy human being and obsessing over my calorie intake vs mileage on the treadmill is not as important as watching sunsets with my best friends and then getting caught in the rain on the walk home.

I know that I am more than what the media tells me I am.

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